
This web project was designed by Teacher Andrea Centeno and it has the purpose to show how studying English on the Net  can be nice, interesting and pleasurable.

Teacher Andrea has a wide experience in teaching English to children, teens and adults, and she is improving her methodology using web tools, which are being known due to a post graduation course she is attending at UFMG.

Here you can see some of her classes at Nossa Senhora das Dores School, a private school from Uberaba-MG, Brazil.

You are invited to join this new world of studying languages through new technologies!

For more information about this post graduation course, visit


History of project

It started as a dream Teacher Andrea had. Then, learning and knowing new technology through her post graduation course, it could be created.

It's  important to mention that without Teacher Andrea's professors and colleagues from UFMG, this project could no be possible!

Our users

This project was designed for young learners, aged 6 to 8 years old who want to link fun and knowledge.